In an op-ed piece on, Lauren Arnold wrote about her experience with color blindness in the classroom, which she sees as part of a "discomfort or fear of talking about race." When white people claim that they don't see color, what they really mean is they are trying to erase the significance of and ignore color. As Arnold says about her reaction to a classmate's comment that "I don't see you as black": "First of all, I don’t believe you because you literally just acknowledged me as being black. Second of all, that’s a problem because I am."
This color blindness doesn't just give white people a false clean conscience and minimize the feelings of people of color, it is a dangerous ideology that allows for victim blaming. If everyone, of every color, is "treated the same" in the U.S., then of course any difference in outcome between two members of society must be due to something about them, not the system around them. Ultimately, color blind racism works as a way to protect the privileged racial status of whites by ignoring the injustices they have committed against people of color throughout history by pushing off responsibility on people of color. If you blame the victim for all his problems, then you never have to step in to fix any of them. In the same way, if you pretend a person's skin color doesn't exist, then you don't have to acknowledge and fight against the discrimination they face.
Arnold, Lauren. (2017, April 25). "Opinion: If You Don't See Color, You Don't See Me." Retrieved from
Bostick, Dani. (2016, July 11). "How Colorblindness is Actually Racist." Huffington Post. Retrieved from
College Humor. (2017, April 8). "I Don't See Race." College Humor. Retrieved from
Ryan, William. "Blaming the Victim." Retrieved from
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